Chicken, Chicken, Chicken

We eat a lot of chicken in our house, the good news is that we like it! Soon the weather will turn and I will crave roast chicken, but for now, it is all about the grilled chicken breasts.   I came home late from work the other night.  I had good intentions, I was going to make a marinade for the chicken, I was going to chop a boatload of fresh herbs and roast up the potatoes…the best laid plans of mice and men people.  Instead, I left work two hours late, dealt with a horrific traffic jam and walked in the door starving.

I quickly peeled and cut some potatoes and put them on to boil, then started the grill.   Once the potatoes came to a boil, I seasoned the chicken with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and poultry seasoning and put it on the grill.    I came back in the house and prepped the asparagus.

Once the chicken was done, I threw the asparagus on the grill and mashed the potatoes.   I was so happy to be eating, I was awfully hungry by this point.

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Not the most exciting meal I have ever put on my table, but it was good, it was healthy, and it tasted really, really yummy.   I always feel better when I can put a home cooked meal on the table instead of relying on take out.  The school year is just so busy for me and there are nights when take out is our best option, but if I have the time and energy, I definitely prefer my own cooking.

Now go outside and enjoy the beautiful end of summer weather!

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