Tomato Soup

I believe our soup dinners are shortly going to be a thing of the past, or at least for the next few months at any rate.    I wanted a soup that could be on the table in an hour, with minimal prep work and tomato basil soup fit the bill nicely.

I peeled and diced two onions, tossed them in a stock pot with a little olive oil, salt and pepper.  While the onions were sweating, I peeled and diced three cloves of garlic, then added them to the pot.   I opened three cans of whole tomatoes, crushed them with my hand and poured them over the onions and garlic. I added three tablespoons of butter and let the entire pot cook for 40 minutes.

After 40 minutes, I added the basil leaves and pureed the entire soup with my hand held submersion blender.  I adjusted the seasoning, made  some grilled cheese sandwiches, and called the hubby to the table for dinner.

Grilled Ham and Cheese with Tomato Soup

Since I gave up white bread for lent, we have been eating a lot more pumpernickel and rye bread.  I forgot how much I enjoy a grilled cheese on pumpernickel (or as my grandmother would say – pumperDIME bread….)

Soup is definitely one of the things I will miss about winter…probably the only thing…but that’s OK.  Once fall comes back, I will be up to my ears in soup again. Right now I am getting in the last “winter” meals while waiting on spring to arrive.  I see a lot of grilled dinners, light salads, and spring vegetables in my future….whoo hooo!

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